Bank FinTech Fusion Services

The financial industry is undergoing a massive shift, driven by new technologies, changing customer expectations, and evolving regulations. Banks need to adapt and innovate to stay relevant and competitive in this dynamic environment. But how can they do that effectively and efficiently, without compromising their core values and capabilities?

That is where CCG Catalyst comes in. We are a bank consulting firm that specializes in helping banks navigate the challenges and opportunities of the future of finance. We have deep expertise and experience in FinTech, BankTech, BaaS, Embedded Finance, AI and Analytics, and other emerging areas that are reshaping the banking landscape. We help banks design and implement strategies, solutions, and processes that align with their vision, goals, and culture, and deliver value to their customers, employees, and stakeholders.

Our Services

We offer a comprehensive range of bank consulting services, covering all aspects of the banking value chain, from strategy and innovation to operations and technology, to risk and compliance. Our services include:

  • Fintech and BankTech Advisory: We help banks identify, evaluate, and partner with the best Fintech and BankTech solutions in the market, leveraging our extensive network and knowledge of the ecosystem. We also help banks develop and launch their own Fintech and BankTech initiatives, from ideation and prototyping, to testing and scaling.
  • BaaS and Embedded Finance Consulting: We help banks leverage the power of BaaS (Banking as a Service) and Embedded Finance to expand their reach, enhance their offerings, and create new revenue streams. We help banks design and implement BaaS and Embedded Finance platforms, products, and partnerships, using best practices and proven methodologies.
  • AI and Analytics Solutions: We help banks harness the potential of AI and Analytics to improve their decision making, customer experience, and operational efficiency. We help banks develop and deploy AI and Analytics solutions, such as chatbots, robo-advisors, fraud detection, credit scoring, and customer segmentation, using cutting-edge tools and techniques.
  • Bank Transformation and Change Management: We help banks transform their business models, processes, and cultures to adapt to the changing market and customer needs. We help banks implement agile, lean, and customer-centric approaches, and foster a culture of innovation and collaboration. We also help banks manage the change and transition process, ensuring a smooth and successful outcome.
  • Bank Risk and Compliance Services: We help banks comply with the complex and evolving regulatory requirements, and mitigate the risks associated with digital transformation. We help banks assess and manage their risk and compliance frameworks, policies, and procedures, and provide guidance and support on issues such as data privacy, cybersecurity, and governance.

Why Choose Us

We are more than just a bank consulting firm. We are your trusted partner and advisor, who understands your challenges and opportunities, and who shares your vision and passion. We are committed to helping you achieve your goals and create a lasting impact. When you work with us, you can expect:

  • Expertise and Experience: We have a team of seasoned bank consultants, who have decades of experience in the banking industry, and who have worked with hundreds of banks across the globe. We have deep knowledge and insights into the trends, technologies, and best practices that are shaping the future of finance.
  • Customized and Collaborative Approach: We tailor our services to your specific needs and objectives, and we work closely with you throughout the engagement. We listen to your challenges and aspirations, and we co-create solutions that suit your context and culture. We are not here to impose our views or sell our products, but to empower you and enable you to succeed.
  • Value and Impact: We deliver results that matter to you and your stakeholders. We measure our success by the value and impact we create for you, not by the hours we bill or the reports we produce. We help you achieve tangible outcomes, such as increased revenue, reduced costs, improved efficiency, enhanced customer satisfaction, and greater competitive advantage.

Contact Us

If you are interested in learning more about our bank consulting services, or if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you and working with you.

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Meet our leader

Paul Schaus

Paul Schaus

Managing Partner

As Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer he leads a successful team of subject matter experts. Throughout his successful career Paul has been a banker, management consultant, strategist, thought leader and strong advocate to the financial services industry.

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If you are interested in learning more about our bank consulting services, or if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.  We look forward to hearing from you and working with you.