Bank Business Case: Evaluation

Bank Business Case: Evaluation

Developing a business case to justify a change in processing solutions is often complicated, confusing and oftentimes an emotional decision. CCG Catalyst removes the emotion from the process and brings the industry knowledge to assist you in making the right decision. CCG Catalyst has worked with hundreds of institutions of all sizes, each with unique business requirements. CCG Catalyst will gather information and investigate what is the current problems or opportunity within the bank for the processing solution. A few of the items CCG Catalyst will review include:

  • Current and long-term strategy, the bank’s mission, brand/value proposition, customer/market segment focus, products and services, market footprint?
  • SWOT analysis, or minimally strengths and weaknesses of current processing solutions
  • What is the bank’s current cost with current solutions compared to current market pricing?
  • How will the solution be aligned with strategic goals? Vision? Mission? Values? Will the solution help enhance the Bank’s competitive position and enable improvements in its value proposition, product set and delivery?
  • What are the key risks associated with the solution (i.e. Business/Strategic, Transaction/Operations/Security, Legal/Regulatory/Compliance, Conversion, Credit, and Reputation)

CCG Catalyst will assess the benefits, costs, feasibility, risks and issues associated for each solution in the business case. Based on the results, CCG Catalyst will recommend the preferred go forward strategy.

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