Bank Core Conversion

Bank Core Conversion

Ask around. CCG Catalyst has a great track record for helping banks convert from one core system to another banking systems on time and on budget. Our secret? We’ve learned that you can’t just throw money at a problem. It takes leadership, trust, and commitment—from the vendors and the client.

Pulling Together. Executives and Operational Staff.

With over thirty years in the business you’d think we’d have all the answers. We don’t. Every conversion is different. And the biggest success factor isn’t the technology, it’s the people. Your management, our management. Your project staff, our project staff. Getting these groups to work together around a believable plan is the primary challenge. The budget, the project plan, and the resource allocation all fall into place if we’re working as a team.

Conversion Strategy Workshop. Making it Real

The primary purpose of CCG Catalyst’s Conversion Strategy Workshop is to clarify roles, responsibilities, and ownership—for CCG Catalyst, your executives, and your operational staff. We need executive sponsors and operational staff from your organization with our team to come together as one team to navigate a pathway to success. By the end of a Conversion Strategy Workshop, we’ve built a complete plan, assigned responsibilities, and created contingencies. It’s a great feeling. Will this plan change? Yes. We guarantee a surprise or two. Yet, because we created contingencies these surprises will not jeopardize the overall success.

Project Planning for a Core System Conversion

All CCG Catalyst conversion and implementation consultants follow the best practices outlined by the Project Management Institute, and operate with a charter that is supported by all senior executives at CCG Catalyst. As you can imagine, in any system conversion or implementation there are hundreds of functional pieces that must be in place to make it all work. CCG Catalyst consultants ensures that we document and track these pieces.

After the Implementation Strategy Workshop, CCG Catalyst will set up periodic meetings to track success against the commitments that were made by the vendors, bank and CCG Catalyst for dates and resources. There will be hurdles. And there may be roadblocks. But these are no surprise when we led the effort. We know whether to navigate or escalate.

At a high level there are two major processes involved in a bank core conversion. First, your staff (with our support) must go through an exercise of mapping your current set of products to those that will be managed on the new core system. Creating the products on new system is the easy part. Ensuring you’ve captured every nuance of your existing product is often a (and most surprising) challenge. Once the product mapping is complete, CCG Catalyst can begin the second major process—transforming your workflow, procedures so it will be compatible with your new system. You current processes need to change, and this is one of our differentials – CCG Catalyst will advise you on these changes.

CCG Catalyst has managed hundreds of conversion projects and our proven approach will provide your bank to a smooth conversion experience.

Our Team

A collaborative perspective guides CCG Catalyst relationships both internally and with clients. We take a long-term view in our relationships. We strive to build bonds founded on respect, caring, honesty, mutual support, and investment. We work together in a manner that is team-oriented, constructive, and challenging.

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