Bank Examination Assistance

Bank Examination Assistance

With today’s rapidly changing regulations and examiner expectations mean that banks need to be adequately prepared for their regulatory bank examination. Without the proper preparation and follow-up, weaknesses will be exposed and the financial and reputational costs of these oversights can be substantial.

Our comprehensive banking examination assistance is tailored to your bank and your bank’s unique needs. We will assist you throughout the entire examination process (pre-exam, during exam, and post exam) or provide support in specific areas. Regardless of the level of assistance your bank requires, our team of experts will provide the supported needed to get through the exam.

CCG Catalyst provides support with each step of the process:

  • Review policies and procedures and, as necessary, augment, revise, and/or add missing elements prior to an exam
  • Evaluate past exams and audits to determine if previous deficiencies have been corrected
  • Assess performance in key areas, including those areas that are current regulatory “hot issues”
  • Provide on-site support at the beginning of the examination, be available to return at any time during the exam if conflict arises, and attend the exit interview
  • Respond to examiner questions / requests and formulate a formal response to the exam
  • Recommend corrective actions in response to banking examination findings
  • In conjunction with the bank assist in gathering and organizing all request list items

Our services encompass all types of regulatory examinations including:

  • Safety & Soundness
  • Compliance
  • Risk Assessment
  • Bank IT Exam
  • Fair Lending

BSA Examination/AML Examination

Our services will help you keep your AML Examination and BSA Examination programs up to date, to protect you from financial and reputational risk.

A Strategic, Pro-active Approach

In addition to improving your bank examination performance, our exam assistance services will provide you with a strategic approach for cost-effectively managing regulatory changes.

Our Team

A collaborative perspective guides CCG Catalyst relationships both internally and with clients. We take a long-term view in our relationships. We strive to build bonds founded on respect, caring, honesty, mutual support, and investment. We work together in a manner that is team-oriented, constructive, and challenging.

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