Technology Assessment and Planning

What are Technology Assessment and Planning Services?

  • Technology Assessment and Planning Services are a comprehensive set of consulting services that help banks and credit unions evaluate their current technology environment, identify gaps and opportunities, and develop a strategic roadmap for technology transformation.
  • Technology Assessment and Planning Services cover various aspects of technology, such as core systems, digital channels, data and analytics, cybersecurity, cloud, fintech, and innovation.
  • Technology Assessment and Planning Services are delivered by CCG Catalyst, a leading management consulting firm that specializes in banking and financial services.

Why do banks and credit unions need Technology Assessment and Planning Services?

  • Banks and credit unions face increasing challenges and opportunities in the rapidly changing technology landscape. They need to keep pace with customer expectations, regulatory requirements, competitive pressures, and market disruptions.
  • Banks and credit unions need to leverage technology as a strategic asset that enables them to differentiate themselves, enhance their efficiency, improve their customer experience, and drive their growth.
  • Banks and credit unions need to have a clear vision and direction for their technology transformation, based on a thorough assessment of their current state, future goals, and best practices.

How do CCG Catalyst Technology Assessment and Planning Services work?

  • CCG Catalyst Technology Assessment and Planning Services follow a proven methodology that consists of four phases: Discovery, Analysis, Strategy, and Roadmap.
  • In the Discovery phase, CCG Catalyst conducts a comprehensive review of the bank’s or credit union’s technology environment, including its architecture, infrastructure, applications, processes, governance, and performance.
  • In the Analysis phase, CCG Catalyst benchmarks the bank’s or credit union’s technology against industry standards and best practices, identifies gaps and opportunities, and evaluates the impact and feasibility of various technology initiatives.
  • In the Strategy phase, CCG Catalyst develops a technology vision and strategy that aligns with the bank’s or credit union’s business goals, priorities, and culture. The strategy defines the key objectives, principles, and initiatives for technology transformation. We utilize our award winning 4D™ methodology to build or confirm your strategy.
  • In the Roadmap phase, CCG Catalyst creates a detailed and actionable technology roadmap that outlines the scope, timeline, budget, and resources for implementing the technology strategy. The roadmap also includes a governance framework and a change management plan to ensure successful execution.

What are the benefits of CCG Catalyst Technology Assessment and Planning Services?

  • CCG Catalyst Technology Assessment and Planning Services help banks and credit unions achieve the following benefits:
  • Gain a holistic and objective view of their technology environment, strengths, and weaknesses.
  • Align their technology with their business goals, customer needs, and market trends.
  • Prioritize and optimize their technology investments and resources.
  • Enhance their technology capabilities, performance, and security.
  • Accelerate your technology innovation and transformation.
  • Improve their competitive advantage and business outcomes.

How can you get started with our technology assessment and planning services?

If you are interested in our technology assessment & planning services, please contact us today. We will be happy to discuss your technology assessment needs and provide you with a free consultation and a quote. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you with your technology journey.

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Meet our leader

Paul Schaus

Paul Schaus

Managing Partner

As Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer he leads a successful team of subject matter experts. Throughout his successful career Paul has been a banker, management consultant, strategist, thought leader and strong advocate to the financial services industry.

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If you are interested in our technology assessment & planning services, please contact us today.
We will be happy to discuss your technology assessment needs and provide you with a free
consultation and a quote. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you with your
technology journey.