Bank Loan Review

When an independent bank loan review is the way to go

During these changing economic times, it is essential that banks are well aware of the quality of their portfolio and identify potentially troubled loan relationships as early as possible. CCG Catalyst is fully qualified to perform independent loan reviews and to assist in the implementation of new and more intensified loan administration procedures.

When reviewing loan portfolios, credit administration practices and analysis of loan loss reserves, we follow a proven methodology that can be compared and contrasted in subsequent periodic reviews so that senior management can gauge asset quality levels over time. Reports are presented in a management letter format and supported by a comprehensive discussion of portfolio quality, systems, policies, procedures and personnel.

CCG Catalyst will provide a proposal for performing your bank’s loan review based on the bank’s loan portfolio complexity. CCG Catalyst will recommend the scope and recommend a frequency of each review. Our reviews will be scheduled to fit the needs of your bank.

Each loan review is conducted with the intent of assessing the overall quality of the loan portfolio. Borrower’s loans are reviewed for credit quality, documentation exceptions, compliance with the bank’s loan policy and compliance with banking laws and regulations. Underwriting standards and procedures are also assessed during these reviews.

The final segment of our engagement includes the analysis of loan loss reserve adequacy.

Our Team

A collaborative perspective guides CCG Catalyst relationships both internally and with clients. We take a long-term view in our relationships. We strive to build bonds founded on respect, caring, honesty, mutual support, and investment. We work together in a manner that is team-oriented, constructive, and challenging.

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