
The payments industry is undergoing massive secular and structural change. The enabling powers of technology are creating new opportunities and revenue streams related to mobile and digital transformation. At the same time, an active regulatory environment is adding new cost and complexity. Well funded startups are encroaching on the established order creating disruption and disinter-mediation challenges.

Banks and payments providers need to effectively navigate the “new landscape” to ensure relevance – additionally, they need to protect existing revenue streams and grow new ones. In short, they need to adapt, innovate and successfully transform their payments business.

What We Do

We support banks and the broader commerce ecosystem with their payments strategy and align their assets to develop a sustainable competitive advantage, grow market share and improve revenue / profit capture. Our expertise is broad, and our engagements span issuing, acceptance, processing and emerging payments.

Core Focus Areas Include:

  • Card issuing (Credit, Debit, Prepaid)
  • Merchant Acquiring / Acceptance
  • Third Party Processing (Issuer / Merchant)
  • Emerging Payments (E-commerce, Mobile, P2P, Digital Currency)

Our consulting service set extends across all functional areas – from front-office strategy to back-office operations. We help organizations leverage market opportunities and address critical challenges and key issues.

Strategy – Definition of vision, mission and goals. What is our culture? What is our core competency and value proposition? Do we expand and grow organically? How do we fund growth? How do we define success? How do we win?

Market and Product Planning – Market, segment, product and price alignment. What is our unique value add? How do we incent customers? What is our brand? Do we have the right alliances? How do we go to market?

Business Management – Leverage of assets and resources. What is our business model? How do we engage with customers? How do we use data and analytics to drive the business? What is our financial performance? Is the business aligned with strategic goals?

Risk Management – Focus on yield and returns. What is our risk appetite? What are our policies, processes and controls related to credit management, fraud, security and regulation? Do we have advanced systems and tools? Do we have the right data and insights?

Operations – Development of a robust infrastructure. Do we have policies, processes and systems geared to driving customer engagement and loyalty? Are we nimble and agile? Can we measure effectively? Does operations support business and strategic goals?

Technology – Change enabler and business catalyst. What is our IT strategy? What do we outsource, what is core, and where do we build a competitive advantage? Is our data secure? How do we scale? Can our IT support the business vision?

Our Team

A collaborative perspective guides CCG Catalyst relationships both internally and with clients. We take a long-term view in our relationships. We strive to build bonds founded on respect, caring, honesty, mutual support, and investment. We work together in a manner that is team-oriented, constructive, and challenging.

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