Bank Organization

At CCG Catalyst, we help our clients improve financial performance and make their organizations better places to work by ensuring the entire organization system is aligned with the banks’ strategy and set up to deliver on the bank’s objectives.

What We Do

CCG Catalyst has various tools we use to assist our clients in addressing decision difficulties and other organizational barriers that affect performance. We have completed many organizational assignments and helped banks get back on track.

Client Engagements

Organization restructure

The Bank had lost its competitive edge after making several strategic decisions that changed the business. Instead of continuing to enjoy high profits, the bank found itself struggling to survive as loan losses increased, core deposits shrank, regulatory press increased, and reputation worsened. Employee morale was at an all-time low. Based on our evaluation, we recommended a redesign and alignment of five broad areas of the organization to fully support new objectives of the banking model.

Talent management

The bank suddenly had lost c-level leader who over the years was a key element to the success of the bank. The bank could not afford a temporary loss of leadership that was provided by this key individual while a search was in process. They were in the middle of a strategic change. CCG Catalyst stepped-in and provided the advisory and management support to keep the bank on track. We also advised on the new hire and provided a transition plan for the new executive.

High-performance culture

We believe at CCG Catalyst that every bank is unique. Our client had a strategic initiative to be a high-performance culture to match its objective to be a high-performance bank, but was unsure of the best path to reach the objective. Organizational culture provides a bank with its single greatest source of competitive advantage. The culture inspires people to go the extra mile–to make and execute good decisions even when nobody’s looking. We assisted our client with the planning and implementation to foster a set of behaviors to reach its goal.

Our Team

A collaborative perspective guides CCG Catalyst relationships both internally and with clients. We take a long-term view in our relationships. We strive to build bonds founded on respect, caring, honesty, mutual support, and investment. We work together in a manner that is team-oriented, constructive, and challenging.

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