Bank Sales & Channel Effectiveness

Bank Sales & Channel Effectiveness

For organizations focused on growth, one of the biggest opportunities is making sales and business development more productive. When a bank’s sales channels realize their full potential, they not only boost revenue and shares but create a high performance bank pulling together for breakthrough financial results.

What We Do

CCG Catalyst approach is based on our experience of the best demonstrated practices of sales and business development in banking:

Strategy: To be successful, you need a product or service plan with defined expectations, goals and measurable results

Demographics: Understand your market; potential clients, wealth, types of business, revenue and income

Targeted offerings: Identify and focus on the highest priority customer segments with products and solutions that are bundled and priced for maximum revenue, retention and renewals.

Optimized tools and procedures: Develop the right cadence for monitoring the results of customer-facing selling and business development efforts in a timely way, and then reinforce it with effective forecasting, lead generation, back-office technology, support and service.

Performance management: Recruit, train and retain high-potential sales teams; track key measures of their performance and motivate them with pay and incentives that reward success on companywide, as well as individual, metrics.

Sales resource deployment: Develop the right coverage model for each customer segment; assign responsibilities and design territories to make the best use of scarce resources.

How We Can Help

CCG Catalyst helps to drive improvements in productivity and growth beginning with an assessment of a bank’s business development & cross selling systems. We then work with on developing a pragmatic, actionable implementation schedule that can reliably increase business development & sales without disrupting your pipeline.

Customer sweet spot: Zero in on your highest-value customers. If you don’t know which customers are most profitable today or in the future, then any segmentation strategy is futile.

Coverage and capacity: Match the right customers and channels. Technological innovations, maturing markets and more sophisticated clients have opened a host of channels to the customer. Effective business development & sales organizations choose purposely, based on economics, selecting the channel that is most cost effective, yields full revenue potential and ultimately exceeds the banks.

Compensation and incentives design: Align individual success with growth. Most business development executives understand that compensation practices affect their banks’ ability to recruit and retain top talent. Yet surprisingly few design compensation plans to achieve growth targets.

Revenue acceleration: Stop leaving revenue on the table. Some of the biggest profit uplift potential comes from selling more—and smarter—to the current customer base.

Metrics and tracking: Measure what matters. Best-performing banks base their rewards on outcomes. Those output metrics are clear and support specific business goals. They are also externally focused and regularly benchmarked.

Tools and support: Employee’ time should be spent selling. Mobilizing back-office resources to augment field efforts is a powerful force multiplier. The best banks measure customer facing time and use internal support to create more.

Our Team

A collaborative perspective guides CCG Catalyst relationships both internally and with clients. We take a long-term view in our relationships. We strive to build bonds founded on respect, caring, honesty, mutual support, and investment. We work together in a manner that is team-oriented, constructive, and challenging.

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