Line of Bank Business & Product Assessment

Line of Bank Business & Product Assessment

At first glance, it often appears that the bank offers generic products. This is far from true. Each bank offers a suite of products that management believes best fits the needs of its marketplace, but often their selection misses its target. This can be caused by demographics, competitive offerings and other reasons.

CCG Catalyst can provide an experienced look at your services, compare them to competition and peers, and help you develop a strategy for growth. Areas of review include:

  • Current product offering –– features and functionality
  • Channels
  • Product Delivery
  • Service Quality
  • Pricing and Profitability
  • Processes and Procedures
  • Customer Perceptions
  • Competitive Environment
  • Gap Analysis

CCG Catalyst will make recommendations for product strategies based on the greatest impact on the bottom line; timelines will be established; and measurements for success will be defined.

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A collaborative perspective guides CCG Catalyst relationships both internally and with clients. We take a long-term view in our relationships. We strive to build bonds founded on respect, caring, honesty, mutual support, and investment. We work together in a manner that is team-oriented, constructive, and challenging.

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