Bank Retail Assessment

Bank Retail Assessment

Board members, chief executives and other senior management appreciate a thorough retail assessment. Is our retail banking strategy on track or supporting our overall strategy? By having an assessment, it allows the bank to:

  • Assess their bank’s retail banking strategy, and those of individual units, against best practice standards
  • Pinpoint the improvements that are needed to make the bank’s retail banking meet defined objectives / goals
  • Ensure that strategy is translated into practical, correctly-focused action plans and budgets
  • Upgrade the Bank’s s strategic planning, action planning & budgeting processes in support of retail banking
  • Increase the probability that strategy will lead to higher retail banking profitability at an acceptable level of risk

A successful retail banking strategy will led to higher profits, but success is often a great challenge. There are several reasons. On average, each individual retail customer only generates a small profit for the bank. Many customers are actually unprofitable. Special, highly cost-effective approaches are essential to be successful in with a retail bank strategy.

CCG Catalyst will assess your retail banking strategy and related infrastructure and make recommendations to bring maximum profit from the business. Areas of review include:

  • Current product offering –– features and functionality
  • Service fees
  • Up-selling / cross selling
  • Channel utilizations
  • Service Quality
  • Pricing
  • Organizational structure
  • Human Resources
  • Technology
  • Processes and Procedures
  • Customer Perceptions
  • Competitive Environment

CCG Catalyst will make recommendations to your retail strategies with expected results. Our recommendations will be actionable and measurable. If we requested CCG Catalyst will develop an implementation plans with targets for the bank or the division.

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A collaborative perspective guides CCG Catalyst relationships both internally and with clients. We take a long-term view in our relationships. We strive to build bonds founded on respect, caring, honesty, mutual support, and investment. We work together in a manner that is team-oriented, constructive, and challenging.

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